Louise Deininger is an amazing person. She is an African conceptual artist, author and life coach. Her artwork focuses on consciousness, spiritual science, human, self and personal development, self-leadership, critical thinking and identity: including other multidisciplinary subjects.

„Art is all about connections and becoming“ Louise Deininger
Louise Deiningers work explores how we humans relate to the world around us, our connection to the universe, and what interventions we can take in our environment in order to live in harmony, within and without. Presenting subjects as variable as the effects of armed conflict, and self-leadership my work renders familiar visual signs, and Louise Deininger uses different materials through the media of painting in a stylized form, FOTO collage, sculpting, film and performance. She also brings in installations that are conceptually built using different materials and forms. As a result, Louise Deiningers work which is mainly experiential and research based, new ideas arise, which lead to the next production of art work.
In Vienna: Exhibition in which the wonderful Louise Deininger takes part. Louise Webseite see https://louisedeininger.com/home/
Louise Deininger talks about her work in progress: Here about the „Feminist Self Help Kit“ – fantastic. Listen in #Art #Women #Africa #Diversity #Spirituality #ConceptualArt

And not to forget the great Gyco Academy, founded by the amazing Louise Deininger: #TWITTER