As an African conceptual artist, author, and life coach, Louise Deiningers artwork focuses on consciousness, spiritual science, human, self and personal development, self-leadership, critical thinking, and identity: including other multidisciplinary subjects. Regula Staempfli has met the inspirational force, the great artist and friend Louise Deininger for a talk on Sunday, 8th of January. Regula Staempfli and Louise Deininger talk about what makes artist tick and how we all – as human beings can work together.
Louise Deininger is in the Board of Directors-K4DP-Knowledge For Development Partners in charge of Art and Youth Affairs, Co- President VBKOE Association of Austrian Female Artists, Artistic director Knowledge City, Vienna, Austria.

Louise Deininger is also Founder & President of Gyco Academy, the Global Youth Conference GYCO, Vienna/Gulu, Northern Uganda. Vienna-based conceptual artist Louise created the idea for Global Youth Conference Academy after filming DNA of War. Since then, she has worked tirelessly – together with local development experts and affected youth in Gulu, Northern Uganda, and a dedicated team of professionals in Vienna, Austria – to realise her vision: transforming the mindset of young people and breaking the vicious cycle of economic dependency and cultural decline through self development; building an empowered youth for a more sustainable, positive and peaceful society. You can support Gyco: Bank: BAWAG P.S.K.
Account: Verein GYCO
IBAN: AT70 1400 0014 10847899
Louise Deininger has one of the best Instagram see https://www.instagram.com/louisedeininger/?hl=de