In her Artist Residency in Reykjavík Regula Staempfli (who is still trying to write her new book) visited the most wonderful and famous Islantic artist Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir. Her CV is most impressiv, our talk an inspiration for thinking further.
Here only a few steps in the artistic journey of Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir: But first some ART by the most impressive and most creative Kristìn Gunnlaugsdóttir. She is the Master of Handwerk: Textile, classic paintings, sketches, drawings, knitting, sewing – just about everything: AMAZING.
How to be courageous in Art & Life: Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir in conversation with Regula Stämpfli in her studio in Reykjavík in June 2023.
1983 – 1984 College of Art – Akureyri
1984 – 1987 Icelandic Academy of Arts and Crafts
1987 – 1988 Icon painting in a convent in Rome, Italy
1988 – 1993 Accademia delle Belle Arti – Florence, Italy
1995 “Oro e colore”, gilding workshop, Laboratorio scuola, Florence, Italy
How to be courageous in Art & Life: Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir in conversation with Regula Stämpfli in her studio in Reykjavík in June 2023.
Solo exhibitions since 2000:
2022 Þetta er allt/ This is All, Gallery Port, Reykjavík
2022 SvartaLjós/BlackLight, y-gallery, Kópavogur
2022 SvartaLjós II /Blacklight II, Gallery Svigrúm, Reykjavik
2020 Bibendum, egg tempera and oil painting in the working space of Auto Service Station, ASÍ Foundation with Nesdekk Service Station, Fiskislóð,
2020 One World, use of 11 works representing Feministic Filmfestival One World, Bratislava, Slovakia
2020 Þú ert svo dugleg, Performance of four women sewing, Gallerí Stundum, Seltjarnarnes
2019 I´m dying, 20 tapestries, Cultural Centre of Egilstadir
2019 Kompan gallery, forty drawings with watercolour and oil painting, Siglufjordur
2019 Kaktus gallery, Installation of tapestry and part of Icelandic national costume, Akureyri
2019 I’m dying, Performance on to public´s participation on sewing the tapestry on Good Friday
2019 SuperBlack, 13 oil paintings w. Margret Jonsdóttir, Akureyri Art Museum
2018 SuperBlack, w. Margret Jonsdottir, The Nordic House, Faroe Islands.
2017 SuperBlack, w. Margret Jonsdottir, The North Atlantic House, Copenhagen.
2016 Reformation, Paintings and egg tempera works connected to the teachings of Martin Luter on Reformation. Church of Neskirkja, Reykjavik
2016 Blue, watercolours, Gallery Skumaskot, Reykjavik
2015 Red Rose / Stagework performance with Hot Eskimos at jazz concert with trombón jazz player Nils Landgren, Harpa Music Hall, Reykjavik and Konserthuset, Stockholm
2015 Black Angel, in partipation with Tang String quartet, tapestry and stagework, Singapore Art Festival, Singapore
2014 Kláði,sviði,verkur,bólga og pirringur, tapestries with Margret Jonsdottir, Medical Museum Nesstofa, Seltjarnarnes
2014 The Joy is Black, drawings, Gallery Studio Stafn, Reykjavik
2014 Gallery Flora, drawings, Akureyri
2013 Creations / Sköpunarverk, The Icelandic National Art Gallery
2011 Retrospective, Akureyri Art Museum
2010 My treasures / Gullin mín, egg tempera and tapestrie, Gallery Studio Stafn, Reykjavik, Iceland
2010 Tapestries, 9 tapestries, Icelandic Printmakers Association, Reykjavik, Iceland
2009 In the Cellar, egg tempera, Weingut Hubert Sandhofer, Burgenland, Austria
2007 The Mountain Land, 8 oil paintings, Gallery Turpentine, Reyjavík,
2007 Installation of oil painting, Seltjarnarnes church
2007 The Mountain Land, 8 oil paintings, International Cultural Centre Caisa, Helsinki, Finland
2006 Gallery Box, drawings and painting, Akureyri
2005 Allmighty, eggtempera, Reykjanes Art Museum
2000 Hallgríms Church, paintings, Reykjavík
Major joint exhibitions since 2000:
2022 Portrett129, doubletrouble w. Dóra Emilsd. Gallery Listval, Hólmaslóð
2022 Spor og þræðir / Threads and Stiches, Reykjavík Art Museum, Kjarvalsstaðir.
2021 Turbulance, Listasafn Árnesinga
2020 Perspective – Icelandic Artistis promoting the Culture of Human Rights, The United Nations, Geneva, Switzwerland
2019 Þetta reddast / es geht! With Jakob Veigar at Rut’s little Gallery, dW architekten, Vienna,
2019 Perspectice – Icelandic Artists promoting the Culture of Human Rights Icelandic Embassy Geneva, Switzerland
2017 I volunteer – Baroque in Bonus, short film with dancer Unnur Elísabet Gunnarsdottir, Mengi, Reykjavik
2015 Woman´s lot / Kvennaveldið, Art Museum of Reykjanesbær
2015 Safnahúsið, The Museum House, Reykjavik
2015 Stigamót, Counseling Center for Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Violence, Reykjavik
2015 Just Painted, Reykjavik Art Museum
2015 The Water Carrier, Reykjavik Art Museum
2014 Maria meets Maria, egg tempera with artist Detel Aurand, Kreuzberg, Berlin
2014 Icelandic Portraits, Akureyri Art Museum
2012 Art Without Boundaries, Art Room, Mosfellsbær
2009 Artweek , Library of Seltjarnarnes
2007 The Golden Brush “INDIGO” Kópavogur Art Museum
2007 Artweek, Church of Akureyri
2006 The Nordic Cultural House, The Faroe Islands
2006 Paintings of the ´80, The National Art Museum, Reykjavík
2005 Hoffmansgallerí, Rvk.Academy
2005 The Golden Brush, Gallery Terpentine, Reykjavík
2005 The Romanovs in Russia, Kopavogur Art Museum
2005 Hallgrimskirkja Cathedral, with Margrét Jónsdóttir, Reykjavik
2002 Akureyri in Art, Museum of Modern Art, Akureyri.
2002 Carnegie Arts Award, Reykjavík, Oslo, Copenhagen, London, Helsinki, Gothenburg.
2002 The Golden Brush, Art Museum of Reykjanesbær.
2001 Vídalín´s Church, Garðabær.
2000 Gerduberg Community Centre
2000 The Golden Brush, Municipal Art Museum, Reykjavík
2017 SuperBlack, The North Atlantic House, Copenhagen
2013 Creations, Eyja publication 2013, Icelandic National Art Gallery.
2011 Beneath the Rose/ Retrospective, Eyja publication 2011, Art Museum of Akureyri.
Awards & commissions:
2019 Stipendum – Icelandic Ministry for Culture
2018 Awarded with the Order of the Falcon for Art
2014 Stipendum – Icelandic Ministry for Culture
2013 Stipendum – Icelandic Ministry for Culture
2012 Stipendum – Icelandic Ministry for Culture
2009 Stipendum – Icelandic Ministry For Culture
2009 Town Council of Seltjarnarnes, “Opinberun”
2008 Artist of Seltjarnarnes
2005 Altarpiece for the church of Reykjanesbær
2002 Stipendum – Icelandic Ministry For Culture
1999 Stipendum – Icelandic Ministry For Culture
1999 Altarpiece for the church of Stykkishólmur
1997 Svavar Gudnason and Ásta Eiriksdóttir Award
1997 Artist of the Year – Akureyri
1995 Work commissioned for the Pharmacy of Vesturbær
1992 Stipendum – Icelandic Ministry For Culture
1991 Scholarship – Icelandic Ministry For Culture
1987 Cooperative Art Fund – Akureyri
Works owned by:
National Icelandic Art Gallery
The Municipal Art Museum of Reykjavík
The Art Museum of Akureyri
The University Art Museum in Reykjavík
The Art Museum of Hallgrims Church
The Art Museum of Reykjanesbær
School of Skálholt
Town Council of Seltjarnarnes
Church of Akureyri
The Hospital of Landspítalinn
Hospital of Landakot
The Hospital of Reykjavík
The Nursing Centre of Kópavogur
Air Traffic Control of Iceland
Church of Stykkishólmur
Church of Reykjanesbær
Private collectors and companys